Bibliography on Men’s Bodies and Body Image
Bordo, Susan. 2000. The male body: A new look at men in public and in private. Farrar Straus & Giroux.
Charmaz, Kathy. 1994. Identity dilemmas of chronically ill men. The Sociological Quarterly 35: 269-288.
Clarke, Laura Hurd, and Griffin, Meridith. 2008. Failing bodies: Body image and multiple chronic conditions in later life. Qualitative Health Research 18: 1084-1095.
Conrad, Peter. 2007. Extension: Men and the medicalization of andropause, baldness, and erectile dysfunction. In P. Conrad, The medicalization of society (pp. 23-45). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Drummond, Murray. 2003. Retired men, retired bodies. International Journal of Men’s Health 2: 183-199.
Faircloth, Christopher. 2003. Different bodies and the paradox of aging: Locating aging bodies in images and everyday experience. In C. Faircloth (Ed.), Aging bodies: Images and everyday experiences (pp. 1-26). Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press.
Gerschick, Thomas J., & Miller, Adam S. 1995. Coming to terms: Masculinity and physical disability. In D. Sabo and D.F. Gordon (Eds.), Men’s health and illness: Gender, power, and the body (pp.183-204). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Jones, Julie, and Pugh, Steve. 2007. Ageing gay men: Lessons from the sociology of embodiment. Men & Masculinities 7: 248-260.
Oberg, Peter. 2003. Images versus experience of the aging body. In C. A. Faircloth (Ed.) Aging bodies, images and everyday experiences (pp. 103-139). Oxford: Altamira Press.
Robertson, Steve. 2006. ‘I’ve been like a coiled spring this last week’: Embodied masculinity and health. Sociology of Health & Illness 28: 433-456.
Robertson, Steve. 2006. ‘I’ve been like a coiled spring this last week’: Embodied masculinity and health. Sociology of Health & Illness 28: 433-456.
Rohlinger, D. A. (2002). Eroticizing Men: Cultural Influences on Advertising and Male Objectification. Sex Roles, 46(3/4), 61-74.
Schooler, D., & Ward, M. L. (2006). Average Joes: Men’s relationships with media, real bodies, and sexuality. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 7(1), 27-41.
Seidler, V. J. (2007). Masculinities, bodies, and emotional life. Men and Masculinities, 10, 9-21.
Setty, L. R. (1961). The Distribution of Chest Hair in Caucasoid Males. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 19, 285-287.
Setty, L. R. (1962). The Sterno-Infraclavicular Chest Hair Pattern. Journal of the National Medical Association, 54, 486-487.
Yang, C. J., Gray, P., & Pope, H. G. (2005). Male Body Image in Taiwan Versus the West: Yanggang Zhiqi Meets the Adonis Complex. American Journal of Psychiatry, 162, 263-269.