The National Organization for Men Against Sexism is an activist organization of men and women supporting positive changes for men. NOMAS advocates a perspective that is pro-feminist, gay affirmative, anti-racist, anti-classist, dedicated to enhancing men’s lives, and committed to justice on a broad range of social issues including age, religion, and physical abilities.
NOMAS’ 50th Men & Masculinity Conference
Tuesday, July 15 through Saturday, July 19, in San Antonio, Texas
The PEACE Initiative, American Indians in Texas at the Spanish Colonial Missions, Mission of Motherhood, San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign, Opportunity Home, Compadre Y Compadre, the San Antonio Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc- Psi Alpha Chapter, 100 Black Men, Workforce Solutions Alamo, United Way of San Antonio, West Care, Our Lady of the Lake University, and the National Organization of Men Against Sexism (NOMAS) are delighted to invite you to the “Know More, NOMAS, No More” 50th Men & Masculinity Conference, “Training to End Systemic Violence” and a celebration of 50 years of pro-feminist work.
More information will be added here as it is finalized. You can also follow the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign on EventBrite
The NOMAS Model
The NOMAS Model for DV Offender Programs is our recommended standard for “Batterer Programs.” A NOMAS Model program is grounded in the feminist political analysis that men’s violence against women is rooted in patriarchy and male supremacy. The global dynamic of men’s violence against women is our focus. This is prerequisite to understanding intimate partner violence between those of all orientations and gender identities.
The NOMAS Model is built on social justice and social change principles, as one facet of a widespread coordinated community response to ending men’s violence against women. At the same time, the NOMAS Model best inspires and empowers individual men with the information that they need to end their abuse and treat their partner with respect, should they choose to do so.
The NOMAS Model opposes the widespread assumption that men’s violence against women is rooted in men’s trauma, experience of systemic marginalization, lack of anger/behavior management skills, or early childhood experiences.
Child Custody
Child custody in the face of domestic violence and child abuse has long been a priority for NOMAS. The dispute is between the vast majority of men and woman who want courts to protect children vs the most extreme abusers who are willing to hurt children in order to maintain power and control over their partners. NOMAS stands with protective mothers and seeks to help reform the broken system, and to educate the public. On this page, we will continue to provide articles with current scientific research to help understand the failures in the custody courts.
Commercial Sex Industry
The commercial sex industry includes prostitution, sex trafficking, and pornography. Unrestricted capitalism is built on the exploitation of resources, and in male supremacy, this includes men’s ability to purchase the use of women’s, childrens’, and other men’s bodies. This use includes photography, video, exhibition, and physical access. The articles in this section attempt to align ourselves with those feminist thinkers who see prostitution, sex trafficking, and pornography as expressions of patriarchy which must be ended.
Reproductive Coercion
For many years, reproductive coercion had been an overlooked but life-changing form of intimate partner abuse. In 2015 NOMAS, in collaboration with the Feminist Women’s Health Center of Atlanta (FWHC) and the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV), developed and published, Exposing Reproductive Coercion: A toolkit for Awareness-Raising, Assessment, and Intervention.
This toolkit still provides credible, unbiased information for victims as well as individuals working in the domestic violence and reproductive health fields. We invite you to download and use any and all of these materials.
Support Our Work
NOMAS is a volunteer, nonprofit educational organization. If you support our mission and are interested in making a financial contribution, one-time or ongoing, follow this link.
Become a Partner
If your organization and NOMAS are aligned in our objectives, we would like to list your organization among our partners, some of whom have hosted conferences in the past.
Start a Chapter
If you and a group of likeminded people affirm our tenets and are interested in forming a local chapter of NOMAS, get in touch with us through We can provide suggestions for your local organizing, so you don’t need to reinvent the wheel.