
Domestic Violence Is a Gendered Crime

Barry Goldstein For many years, battered women and domestic violence advocates have said Domestic Violence (DV) is a gendered crime, but they were not listened to because they usually had no advanced degree; they were mostly women; and there was no research to confirm their experience. Professionals wanted to focus on issues like mental health […]

Opposition to Systemic De-Gendering of Domestic Violence: NOMAS Position Statement

• Violence is a tool of oppression. It is used to enslave, degrade, dehumanize, punish and coerce. In a male supremacist society, men use these tools to subdue women. In a white supremacist society, white people have used them to subdue BIPOC. Everyone learns the “master’s tools” but not everyone has the ability to wield […]

Alice Paul Awards For Women Who Have Worked To Confront Men’s Violence Against Women

Committee on Feminist Movement History: National Organization for Men Against Sexism (NOMAS) reprinted with permission from: Brannon, Robert (2017) “Alice Paul Awards for Women Who Have Worked to Confront Men’s Violence Against Women,”Dignity: Journal on Sexual Exploitation and Violence: Vol. 2: Iss. 1, Article 9.DOI: 10.23860/dignity.2017.02.01.09 NOMAS is a 36-year old national feminist men’s […]

Why Family Courts Cannot Protect Children: ACE vs. PAS

By Barry Goldstein, NOMAS Task Group on Child Custody. The ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) Studies are medical research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that can be used to reduce cancer, heart disease, diabetes, mental illness, crime, substance abuse, suicide and many other horrible health and social problems.  Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) is […]

What Does Domestic Violence Have to do with Shared Parenting?

Barry Goldstein, NOMAS Task Group on Child Custody. Domestic violence became a public issue at a time when virtually no scientific research was available.  This led to the implementation of many practices that are harmful and biased against direct victims and their children.  Today we have a specialized body of scientific research which includes what […]

Parental Alienation Syndrome: The Hoax that Hurts Children

Barry Goldstein, NOMAS Task Group on Child Custody Richard Gardner did not rely on any research to concoct his theory of Parental Alienation Syndrome.  Instead it came from his personal experiences, beliefs and biases.  His outrageous bias is demonstrated by many public statements to the effect that sex between adults and children can be acceptable.[1] […]

Practices that Risk Children Baked into Court Procedures: 20 Routine Practices that Endanger Children

Barry Goldstein, NOMAS Child Custody Task Group Protective mothers are angry that custody courts so often place their children in danger.  Many believe that only corruption can explain the frequency of risky decisions.  At the same time no judge wants to hurt children leading the judicial establishment to respond defensively to criticism.  Research confirms that […]

LGBT Couples Therapy with Psychological Abuse

Working with Gay and Lesbian Couples with Emotional/Verbal (Psychological) Abuse Moshe Rozdzial, PhD, LPC*. Intimate partner abuse exempts no race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, sexual orientation or social status. On a daily basis, issues of dominance, power, and control in relationships are rooted in the oppressive systems to which we are all conditioned. Heterosexual hegemony normalizes the […]

Signs To Look For In A Battering Personality

Lydia D. Walker Many women are interested in knowing if there are any warning signs that someone is an abuser.  There is no typical victim or perpetrator.  Any woman can be battered regardless of age, race, nationality, sexual orientation, educational background, or income.  Battering almost always occurs with a man abusing a woman.  However, violence […]

What is Fair for Children of Abusive Men?

by Jack C. Straton, Ph.D. I want to express my deep gratitude to Ellen Pence, Madeline Dupre, Jim Soderberg and the others from the Duluth Domestic Abuse Intervention Project for giving me this opportunity to speak with you. The State of Minnesota should be proud that, quite literally, the world looks to this program for […]