At an early NOMAS Men and Masculinity Conference, one workshop was titled “What is Positive, in traditional Masculinity?” It discussed some “traditionally-masculine” qualities, such as intelligence, courage, determination, logic, self-confidence, etc. It is not difficult to point to some ways in which “traditional masculinity” includes a number of positive traits. One can then envision a […] 14:29:062022-08-26 16:58:42Redefining Masculinity: A Revised Definition Must Undo the Ideology of Male Supremacy
• Pictures Never Lie!? Think about the hundreds or thousands images of Women that we see, every month and year, in magazines, on TV, in the movies, on the internet, in advertising, in social media…, How do these images compare with what we see when we look at the real women around us, every day? […] 10:14:332022-08-21 22:15:10NOMAS Position Statement on “Objectification of Women”
• Violence is a tool of oppression. It is used to enslave, degrade, dehumanize, punish and coerce. In a male supremacist society, men use these tools to subdue women. In a white supremacist society, white people have used them to subdue BIPOC. Everyone learns the “master’s tools” but not everyone has the ability to wield […] 14:08:302022-08-21 22:27:52Opposition to Systemic De-Gendering of Domestic Violence: NOMAS Position Statement
NOMAS (National Organization for Men Against Sexism), strongly opposes the use of “Anger Management” or Anger Management Programs as a criminal/civil disposition or means in which to deal with violence against an intimate partner. Over the last thirty-plus years of experience working with men in batterer programs – including the experience of domestic violence advocates […] 17:13:572022-08-21 22:29:28Position Statement Against Anger Management as a Response to Men’s Violence Against Women
NOMAS National Task Group on Sex Trafficking, Pornography, & The Commercial Sex Industry Robert Brannon Ph.D., Chair A. Our Culture’s Mythology of Prostitution There is a common, popular stereotype, sometimes termed “the happy hooker,” of a woman willingly selling her body, who is tough, independent, sassy, strong, often wise, and in full control of her […] 20:11:512022-08-21 23:46:13NOMAS Policy Positions on Issues of Prostitution
Phyllis B. Frank and Gail K. Golden The counseling division of our agency intentionally does not offer what has been referred to as”anger management” programs. With decades of experience to draw upon, we have determined that most people who are thought to need anger management programs already know how to manage their anger, and do […] 20:16:432022-08-21 23:47:29Calling It Anger Adds to the Danger: Anger Management Policy Statement
Moshe Rozdzial and The National Council of NOMAS The National Organization for Men Against Sexism (NOMAS) has, since its inception, advocated an “abolitionist” position, strongly opposing the life-destroying use of women and children – by men – in sex trafficking and prostitution. NOMAS views prostitution and sex trafficking (they are essentially the same) as a […] 22:34:582022-08-21 23:47:51NOMAS Position on Prostitution and Sex Trafficking
Being a pro-feminist organization, NOMAS defers to the position of the National Organization for Women on the issue of reproductive rights of women. For each of the following issues: legislation about parental and/or paternal consent catastrophic late-term abortion presidential gag-rules public funds for contraception and/or abortion US Military personnel access to abortion US support for […] 21:08:442022-08-12 08:40:47Position Statement on Reproductive Rights
A huge majority of Americans believe that some forms of “pornography” – eg. eroticized rape scenes – influence some men toward real-life sexual aggression. Social science also now confirms this. A large body of behavioral research shows that men exposed to certain rape portrayals show psychological changes that increase the likelihood of attacks on women. […] 20:43:322022-08-21 23:52:14The Harmfulness of Pornography: NOMAS position statement
This is the greatest challenge to our integrity, and one of our greatest opportunities to make a real difference in people’s lives; to create positive social change. The homophobia of the majority of American men can hardly be underestimated. We speak out for Gay Rights, even in light of frightening and alienating the majority of […]
As an organization striving to be affirmative of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgendered, queer, and intersexed persons, NOMAS understands homophobia to be the individual and psychological response to those who do not conform to the expectations of binary heterosexual expression. Homophobia, as an irrational fear and loathing, is to be distinguished from heterosexism, which is […]
The homophobia of the majority of American men can hardly be underestimated. We speak out for Gay Rights, even in light of frightening and alienating the majority of men before they can hear anything else we have to say, not only because gays are among the most oppressed minorities in the world today, or because […] 19:45:572022-08-21 23:54:00Position Paper on Gay Rights
A recent petition featured by is of grave concern to the National Organization for Men Against Sexism (NOMAS) and advocates who understand the systemic nature of domestic violence and femicide. The petition, addressed to Roger Gooddell, was featured by and gathered more than 13,200 signatures as of December 15, 2012 ( Drafted by […] 16:06:102022-08-21 23:54:30Position Statement on the harms of “treatment” models for men charged with dometic violence or abuse
NOMAS recognizes that deeply held social beliefs in equality and justice are often grounded in an understanding of the world that might include theological statements, whether the instinct takes expression though tikkun olam or the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. These sentiments from those who hold some sort of belief system go beyond the simple conviction […] 15:41:552022-08-21 23:55:28NOMAS Position Statement on Spirituality
Many courts throughout the country are using mental health treatment as a penalty for men’s acts of assault against their partners. It is our strong professional determination, based on many decades of work in the field, that an order for mental health treatment as a sanction for an assault is not the appropriate response. Mental […] 20:13:442022-08-21 23:58:33Position paper on court mandated mental health treatment for men who batter
“Domestic Violence” as part of the broader issue of “Domestic Abuse” The horrific physical violence that so many men continue to inflict on their wives or woman partners is truly astonishing, shocking, and galvanizing: slaps, punches, choking, severe shaking, being thrown against walls or down stairs, arms twisted or broken, burns, stabbings, gunshots, and innumerable […] 19:13:592022-08-21 23:59:57“Domestic Violence” as part of the broader issue of “Domestic Abuse”: Position Statement
Just as some mental problems are more prevalent among women (e.g. depression) or men (e.g. alcoholism); many crimes are very, very highly correlated with gender. Men commit near 100% of forcible rapes, 90% of murders, etc. It is a simple fact that men are usually larger and physically stronger than their female partners. It is […] 19:12:322022-08-22 00:03:56Not a Two-Way street: Men are NOT the victims of what is meant by Domestic Violence and Abuse
The National Organization for Men Against Sexism1 is committed to make substantive this nation’s ideals of equality and justice. In choosing loyalties in disputes over child custody, any society that cares for its future must make its primary concern that which is truly in the best interests of children. In a society such as ours in […]
A NOMAS Position Statement The National Organization for Men Against Sexism (NOMAS) is outraged by the tragic homicide of Trayvon Martin and subsequent failure of criminal justice officials to charge the man who admits to killing Martin, George Zimmerman. This is an injustice to Martin and his family, and epitomizes the racial injustice that continues […] 14:01:382022-08-22 00:18:43Racism in America: The Trayvon Martin Case (Position Statement)
People who burn down buildings, or set off bombs, or murder other people, may arguably have mental “problems,” and no doubt “need help,” but society does not view serious crimes as primarily “mental health” issues; it addresses them with prison terms, not with counseling groups or psychotherapy. Domestic abuse and even violence however have long […] 19:11:102022-08-22 00:19:39Domestic Violence or Abuse are Not a “Mental Health Issues”: Position Statement
Redefining Masculinity: A Revised Definition Must Undo the Ideology of Male Supremacy
At an early NOMAS Men and Masculinity Conference, one workshop was titled “What is Positive, in traditional Masculinity?” It discussed some “traditionally-masculine” qualities, such as intelligence, courage, determination, logic, self-confidence, etc. It is not difficult to point to some ways in which “traditional masculinity” includes a number of positive traits. One can then envision a […]
NOMAS Position Statement on “Objectification of Women”
• Pictures Never Lie!? Think about the hundreds or thousands images of Women that we see, every month and year, in magazines, on TV, in the movies, on the internet, in advertising, in social media…, How do these images compare with what we see when we look at the real women around us, every day? […]
Opposition to Systemic De-Gendering of Domestic Violence: NOMAS Position Statement
• Violence is a tool of oppression. It is used to enslave, degrade, dehumanize, punish and coerce. In a male supremacist society, men use these tools to subdue women. In a white supremacist society, white people have used them to subdue BIPOC. Everyone learns the “master’s tools” but not everyone has the ability to wield […]
Position Statement Against Anger Management as a Response to Men’s Violence Against Women
NOMAS (National Organization for Men Against Sexism), strongly opposes the use of “Anger Management” or Anger Management Programs as a criminal/civil disposition or means in which to deal with violence against an intimate partner. Over the last thirty-plus years of experience working with men in batterer programs – including the experience of domestic violence advocates […]
NOMAS Policy Positions on Issues of Prostitution
NOMAS National Task Group on Sex Trafficking, Pornography, & The Commercial Sex Industry Robert Brannon Ph.D., Chair A. Our Culture’s Mythology of Prostitution There is a common, popular stereotype, sometimes termed “the happy hooker,” of a woman willingly selling her body, who is tough, independent, sassy, strong, often wise, and in full control of her […]
Calling It Anger Adds to the Danger: Anger Management Policy Statement
Phyllis B. Frank and Gail K. Golden The counseling division of our agency intentionally does not offer what has been referred to as”anger management” programs. With decades of experience to draw upon, we have determined that most people who are thought to need anger management programs already know how to manage their anger, and do […]
NOMAS Position on Prostitution and Sex Trafficking
Moshe Rozdzial and The National Council of NOMAS The National Organization for Men Against Sexism (NOMAS) has, since its inception, advocated an “abolitionist” position, strongly opposing the life-destroying use of women and children – by men – in sex trafficking and prostitution. NOMAS views prostitution and sex trafficking (they are essentially the same) as a […]
Position Statement on Reproductive Rights
Being a pro-feminist organization, NOMAS defers to the position of the National Organization for Women on the issue of reproductive rights of women. For each of the following issues: legislation about parental and/or paternal consent catastrophic late-term abortion presidential gag-rules public funds for contraception and/or abortion US Military personnel access to abortion US support for […]
The Harmfulness of Pornography: NOMAS position statement
A huge majority of Americans believe that some forms of “pornography” – eg. eroticized rape scenes – influence some men toward real-life sexual aggression. Social science also now confirms this. A large body of behavioral research shows that men exposed to certain rape portrayals show psychological changes that increase the likelihood of attacks on women. […]
LGBTQ+ Affirmative position statement
This is the greatest challenge to our integrity, and one of our greatest opportunities to make a real difference in people’s lives; to create positive social change. The homophobia of the majority of American men can hardly be underestimated. We speak out for Gay Rights, even in light of frightening and alienating the majority of […]
Position Statement on Homophobia
As an organization striving to be affirmative of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgendered, queer, and intersexed persons, NOMAS understands homophobia to be the individual and psychological response to those who do not conform to the expectations of binary heterosexual expression. Homophobia, as an irrational fear and loathing, is to be distinguished from heterosexism, which is […]
Position Paper on Gay Rights
The homophobia of the majority of American men can hardly be underestimated. We speak out for Gay Rights, even in light of frightening and alienating the majority of men before they can hear anything else we have to say, not only because gays are among the most oppressed minorities in the world today, or because […]
Position Statement on the harms of “treatment” models for men charged with dometic violence or abuse
A recent petition featured by is of grave concern to the National Organization for Men Against Sexism (NOMAS) and advocates who understand the systemic nature of domestic violence and femicide. The petition, addressed to Roger Gooddell, was featured by and gathered more than 13,200 signatures as of December 15, 2012 ( Drafted by […]
NOMAS Position Statement on Spirituality
NOMAS recognizes that deeply held social beliefs in equality and justice are often grounded in an understanding of the world that might include theological statements, whether the instinct takes expression though tikkun olam or the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. These sentiments from those who hold some sort of belief system go beyond the simple conviction […]
Position paper on court mandated mental health treatment for men who batter
Many courts throughout the country are using mental health treatment as a penalty for men’s acts of assault against their partners. It is our strong professional determination, based on many decades of work in the field, that an order for mental health treatment as a sanction for an assault is not the appropriate response. Mental […]
“Domestic Violence” as part of the broader issue of “Domestic Abuse”: Position Statement
“Domestic Violence” as part of the broader issue of “Domestic Abuse” The horrific physical violence that so many men continue to inflict on their wives or woman partners is truly astonishing, shocking, and galvanizing: slaps, punches, choking, severe shaking, being thrown against walls or down stairs, arms twisted or broken, burns, stabbings, gunshots, and innumerable […]
Not a Two-Way street: Men are NOT the victims of what is meant by Domestic Violence and Abuse
Just as some mental problems are more prevalent among women (e.g. depression) or men (e.g. alcoholism); many crimes are very, very highly correlated with gender. Men commit near 100% of forcible rapes, 90% of murders, etc. It is a simple fact that men are usually larger and physically stronger than their female partners. It is […]
Policy Statement on Child Custody Laws
The National Organization for Men Against Sexism1 is committed to make substantive this nation’s ideals of equality and justice. In choosing loyalties in disputes over child custody, any society that cares for its future must make its primary concern that which is truly in the best interests of children. In a society such as ours in […]
Racism in America: The Trayvon Martin Case (Position Statement)
A NOMAS Position Statement The National Organization for Men Against Sexism (NOMAS) is outraged by the tragic homicide of Trayvon Martin and subsequent failure of criminal justice officials to charge the man who admits to killing Martin, George Zimmerman. This is an injustice to Martin and his family, and epitomizes the racial injustice that continues […]
Domestic Violence or Abuse are Not a “Mental Health Issues”: Position Statement
People who burn down buildings, or set off bombs, or murder other people, may arguably have mental “problems,” and no doubt “need help,” but society does not view serious crimes as primarily “mental health” issues; it addresses them with prison terms, not with counseling groups or psychotherapy. Domestic abuse and even violence however have long […]