
The Painful Cost of Disbelieving Women

by Barry Goldstein. A man in one of the batterer classes I teach couldn’t wait to bring up the Duke Lacrosse and Tawana Brawley cases to counter research that women rarely make false reports of rape or abuse.  While many men in the class, like the general public are familiar with the rare cases in […]

Think It’s #NotAllMen? These 4 Facts Prove You’re Just Plain Wrong

by Melissa A. Fabello and Aaminah Khan, Originally published on Everyday Feminism, October 10, 2016 Dear Well-Meaning Men Who Believe Themselves to Be Safe, Thereby Legitimizing the “Not All Men” Argument, Let’s start here, even though this should go without saying: We don’t think that all men are inherently abusive or dangerous. Plenty of men […]

Rape Culture Syllabus

Reprinted with permission by the author Laura Ciolkowski October 15, 2016 — I just start kissing them. Just kiss—I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Whatever you want. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.—Donald Trump The video was released on Friday, […]

The Intersection of Rape, Custody and Reproductive Coercion

By Barry Goldstein Thirty-one states permit rapists to use family courts to gain access to their victim and obtain custody or visitation of a child conceived from rape. The situation is outrageous, but it doesn’t even describe the full failure of states to protect rape victims and their children. Even in states that provide some […]

Men’s Violence Against Women

by Christopher Kilmartin April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and too often we see domestic violence and rape defined as “women’s issues.” Since men do the vast majority of the damage, I think it’s a men’s issue. I’ll begin with a story, not a very happy one, to set the tone. A little while back, […]

Campus Sexual Assault Response Teams and Peer Education Groups

IVRT: Interpersonal Violence Response Team, Northern Illinois University PAIRS: Providing Advocacy and Intervention Regarding Sexual Assault, SUNY Oneonta SAFER: Sexual Assault Free Environment Resource, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo SOS: Sexual Offense Support, Delaware State SRVP: Sexual and Relationship Violence Prevention, West Chester University CARE: Campus Assault Response, James Madison University SARV: Sexual Assault & […]

Acquaintance Rape of College Students

The Problem of Acquaintance Rape of College Students Rape is the most common violent crime on American college campuses today. This guide describes the problem of acquaintance rape of college students, addressing its scope, causes and contributing factors; methods for analyzing it on a particular campus; tested responses; and measures for assessing response effectiveness. With […]

Manufacturing Consent – Is It Rape?

by Ben Atherton-Zeman–August 2006 How do you know when your partner has consented to sex? Do you ask, or do you assume they’ve consented if they don’t say anything? Do you watch for body language? Do you try to “make them relax” if it seems like they’re not consenting? Rather than seeking consent, you may […]