
Intersectional Dominance-White, Straight, Christian, Patriarchy-Won the 2016 Election!

By Moshe Rozdzial, PhD* Many explanations have been proposed, in the weeks since the presidential election, for Trump’s win, and, to one degree or another, most have some validity. One explanation – working class economic insecurity – seems unsupported. The economy is at its healthiest since the Bush-era recession.  Gas prices are at 1998 levels […]

NOMAS Empowerment and Accountability Process

Phyllis B. Frank and Wayne Morris History: When I walked into a NOMAS meeting along with other men and women, I picked up an attitude of arrogance and superiority from one of the white men.  This is not an unusual experience and I acted as I most often do.  I ignored it and attempted to […]

“Teach us to Sit Still”: Coming Home after the Undoing Racism Workshop

by Phyllis B. Frank and Gail Golden “Teach us to Sit Still”: * Coming Home after the Undoing Racism Workshop** by Phyllis B. Frank and Gail Golden Many of us fortunate enough to take the Undoing Racism Workshop have described it as a transformative, life changing experience. For many participants, it gave us the first […]

White-Bashing? Teaching “Hot-Button” Issues via Indirection

BY JACK C. STRATON Revised 2009 from the version that appeared in Democracy & Education, Fall 2000, pp. 69-72. The biggest barriers to learning about racism, sexism, and the other oppressions, are the non-rational aversive reactions most of us have to the material and to the learning process. Download: white_bashing

Racial Intervention Story Exchange (RISE)

I have recently developed a Web Repository – The Racial Intervention Story Exchange – where students, teachers, employees, managers, and other concerned people can exchange stories of the ways in which they have intervened across racial lines. When European Americans consider racism in the US, they often think of the KKK and skinheads, but what […]

Racism in America: The Trayvon Martin Case (Position Statement)

A NOMAS Position Statement The National Organization for Men Against Sexism (NOMAS) is outraged by the tragic homicide of Trayvon Martin and subsequent failure of criminal justice officials to charge the man who admits to killing Martin, George Zimmerman.  This is an injustice to Martin and his family, and epitomizes the racial injustice that continues […]